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The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Platte City is located in downtown Platte City, MO. Our building is a combination of old and new. We have maintained our beautiful sanctuary for more than 125 years. In 2008 we dedicated a new area adjacent to the sanctuary that houses Sunday school rooms, choir room, bathrooms, new-mom’s room, large nursery, fellowship hall and offices.


Our worship service is also a mix of the old and new. We offer one worship service, currently at
10:30 a.m. featuring a blend of contemporary music and old hymns. Our service includes a choir presentation, open communion, scripture reading and sermon. Children's Ministry and nursery available during Sunday School and worship.


We are a multi-generational church with many members having been born into our congregation
plus a great mix of members who have found us along their faith journey. 
At FCCPlatte, you won’t get lost in the crowd. We welcome you openly and decisively. We are a community who lives by the love of God.


We have no creeds but Christ and no book but the Bible; we express a very simple statement of faith: “I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.” We hold that our belief in God is an individual and private process that develops over time as we learn, pray and ponder. We do our best to follow the principles of Jesus Christ and the Bible.


We welcome your family to worship, work and grow with us.

First Christian Church
of Platte City, MO

708 3rd Street
Platte City, MO  64079
(816) 858-2000

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